How is chronic sinusitis treated?
The allergist will conduct a medical history, including an assessment of your symptoms and a relevant physical exam to look for polyps or changes in the anatomy of the nose (if necessary, a CT scan will be ordered). The allergist may also conduct skin testing (link to skin testing) to determine which triggers are causing nasal swelling. Once the allergist knows the triggers that are causing your chronic symptoms, a treatment plan will be recommended.
Most treatment plans include:
When the underlying cause of chronic sinusitis is treated effectively, it frequently disappears or becomes less of a problem. Since allergies can lead to chronic sinusitis, immunotherapy (or allergy shots) (link to allergy shots) is the most effective long-term approach towards a cure. Immunotherapy is the only way to rid the body of nasal allergies. In essence, it is a vaccine against allergies. As you receive immunotherapy, you gradually decrease your sensitivity and build up a tolerance to your allergens.
Credit: American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology